
When my friend Dana came over one night and gave us “healthy ice cream” I 100% did not think there would be anything delicious about them…

But boy, was I wrong. Dreampops have made me believe in anything. Maybe even unicorns. JK, I know unicorns exist too! I’ve been trying vegan ice-cream for forever, and haven’t found too many kinds I love…or that are more plant-based and on the healthier side. Somehow Dreampops created a formula that doesn’t harm animals AND taste SO FREAKIN GOOD. Also the packaging and branding is too cayuuteee. They are really killing the vegan ice-cream game. The chocolate lion flavor tastes like an OG fudgicle and takes you back to being ten years old at summer camp. I love the vanilla matcha obvs because I love matcha, and my boyfriend’s favorite is the coconut because it tastes…like actual fresh coconuts. Mmm okay seriously try this ice cream if you’re like us and HAVE to eat dessert after dinner or you feel like you’re dying. 

OH and the shape is pretty cool too. Sweet dreams. Bye!