The Cheesiest No-Cheese Snack (Alt to chips)


Like most people, I am hesitant of “fake cheese”, but I was delightfully surprised (and instantly addicted) to this snack…

 I stumbled across Lesser Evil’s Paleo Puffs No-Cheese  when I was checking out of Wholefoods one day and this was a purchase I actually did not regret. It definitely satiated that “I need a bag of chips/cheetos ASAP” feeling that often overcomes me. So they are delicious and while the entire brand of Lesser Evil is not cruelty-free/vegan…this bag is and I highly recommend ordering the pack of 24 bags because they are SO addicting and such a good alternative to eating crappy snacks on the go. 



When my friend Dana came over one night and gave us “healthy ice cream” I 100% did not think there would be anything delicious about them…

But boy, was I wrong. Dreampops have made me believe in anything. Maybe even unicorns. JK, I know unicorns exist too! I’ve been trying vegan ice-cream for forever, and haven’t found too many kinds I love…or that are more plant-based and on the healthier side. Somehow Dreampops created a formula that doesn’t harm animals AND taste SO FREAKIN GOOD. Also the packaging and branding is too cayuuteee. They are really killing the vegan ice-cream game. The chocolate lion flavor tastes like an OG fudgicle and takes you back to being ten years old at summer camp. I love the vanilla matcha obvs because I love matcha, and my boyfriend’s favorite is the coconut because it tastes…like actual fresh coconuts. Mmm okay seriously try this ice cream if you’re like us and HAVE to eat dessert after dinner or you feel like you’re dying. 

OH and the shape is pretty cool too. Sweet dreams. Bye! 

More Matcha!? (but instant & delish made at home)


Obviously there is a huge matcha craze happening. Which is hilarious because matcha is something that has been used since ancient times… 

 But whatever, because it’s good for you, so I’m totally okay with people being trendy and annoying if they’re doing something to better themselves and their health! I first learned about Clevr Blends, an instant mix of powdered superfood, at a lovely festival I volunteered at in Topanga Canyon last fall. The founders had set-up shop in a silver bullet trailer making lattes for the guests. I l love both chai and matcha (like actually love the taste, and have been drinking them before way before there were $7 matcha lattes everywhere) so I drank both lattes and fell in love. The problem was…they hadn’t launched yet, so I couldn’t get the product! Luckily, I was facilitating a Goddess Rebellion Retreat coming up and Hannah (co-founder) was oh-so-kind to do a pop-up at our event in Venice Beach! And let me tell you…those matcha blended bags sold like crazy. 

I am little obsessed with adaptogenic herbs, mainly because I love that they help with stress-relief and sleep aid. I don’t take any prescription drugs regularly, including sleep aids, not even melatonin which I’ve learned is troublesome for you too. But I’m big on these kinds of mushrooms which happen to be all in the Clevr blends matcha mix:

Organic Ashwagandha
Organic Lion’s Mane
Organic Reishi
Organic Cordyceps 


If you want to know what those all mean, please just google them, because I’m not going to explain all of it, I just want to explain how delicious this blend is AND the fact that you can make it in your own kitchen and not spend a fortune going to those trendy Matcha Shops (unless that is you RLY wanna gram the decor there.) 

How I make mine: I heat up almond milk on the stovetop (I don’t own a microwave) and then I blend it with with a whisk…and that’s really it! It sweetened with monk fruit, so you don’t have to add anything else! 

Give it a try and I promise you won’t be let down.